Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Second Pillar

Mindfulness the field:
Everything is the object:
Observation is.

Monday, December 29, 2014

First Pillar

Concentration is....
Stability of thinker,
Gentle and yielding.

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Meditation is.....
Power of my awareness:
To answer my Quest.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Busy is a Decision

Happiness is not
Being absent from Self, and
Not present to One.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Word Itself

Fierce Relationships,
Creating a world which works:
Spirit leads the Way.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


The unconscious slave
To images which disturb.
Imagine the Good. 

Monday, December 8, 2014


When lukewarm, Faith dies.
How do we know what we know,
When resistance blocks?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Look Inside

Lightness of being,
Unfettered by my story:
The eternal Source.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Trust It

Beyond five senses,
How do you Know what you Know?
The stillness of voice.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

First Discovery

Proof that I'm alive,
The ability to Think;
Memory returns.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Seat of life: The Soul,
Never indifferent to
Expressions of faith.

Genus Daphne

The victim controls
Stopping Harmony within.
Soul work loves to bloom.

Homeopathy of Spirit

Envy, Jealousy:
Pathology as Soul Work;
Illusions as clues.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Deep and Pervasive Theme

Hedonic treadmill,
Money buys symbols, that's all.
Net gain comes through Soul.

Monday, November 10, 2014

To Be Alone

The root of spinster:
Who weaves well, also has wealth.
Her Truth is Freedom.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Earthly Incarnation

Who cares about age?
Beyond the physical self,
The Spirit evolves.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

From the Greek Word Misoguria

Hindering your growth,
When you hurt a woman's worth,
We are all of One.

Friday, November 7, 2014


"What your heart thinks great is great. The soul's emphasis is always right." 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


"Your genuine action will explain itself, and will explain your other genuine actions. Your conformity explains nothing."

The Absurdity of Ego

Gibran states it well,
Leaves & Grass disputing Truth.
All One in the spring.


Staying unconscious,
And stored as Race Suggestion:
Holier than Thou.

Monday, November 3, 2014


"It is found that one of the most effectual modes of mental healing is by treatment during sleep."

Friday, October 31, 2014

Independence of Time and Space

"An ideal cannot be formed in the future. It must either be formed here and now or not formed at all."

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Effect as Realization

"The realization of any spiritual truth brings it into manifestation as effect."

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Realization is Prayer

"We do not pray to the sun to send out more light or to give more warmth. If we were going to utter any kind of prayer in regard to the sun, our prayer would be an inner realization that it is - the sun is shining; the sun is warmth; the sun is light.

So it is with God. We should never think of God as that which can bring peace on earth. There is no such God. The only God there is, is a God who is life eternal: God does not give us life eternal; God cannot withhold life eternal. God is life eternal, and our prayer is the realization of that Truth. God is fulfillment." 

Individual Consciousness as God

"God is working out Its life as our individual consciousness." 

Breast Cancer

The mango, the coconut:
Perfect, Whole, Pure and Good;
Divine Right Action.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Pythagoras,Socrates,Jesus,Luther,Copernicus,Galileo, and Newton

"To be great is to be misunderstood."


Curled up on the bed,
His Unconditional Love;
Blonde blended with pale.

The Cosmic Urge

To express something:
Creative Reality.
The nut sprouts a tree.


Feel the glimmer now!
Intuition provides All,
As trust speaks to me.


The Self is just Law.
Reuniting with the One:
God does not betray.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


"Every hurt that has ever come into our experience has been the direct result of our inability to behold this universe as spiritual."

Leaving ourselves Out

"There is no way in which God can be left out of Its own universe, but we can leave ourselves out of it."

The Guest

Her blind cousin feels
His way down slopes and creek beds.
Perfection and Faith.


The lilies open:
Just Learning is the goal, now;
Surrounded with friends.


Without it, all systems fail.
God and only God. 


Ego accepted,
Libido needs an object;
The Divine Treasure.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


"The basis of all healing is a change in belief. The sequence from which this results is as follows: the subjective mind is the creative faculty within us, and creates whatever the objective mind impresses upon it." 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Red Mountain

Hand of Divine Source
Takes me to the mountain top,
And now I Know why.

Monday, October 20, 2014


It represents the One.
She takes the mouse far away,
Which is why she Cares.

Does Matter Exist?

Fact of the matter,
Nothing really matters much;
The Law is neutral.

The Secret

Peering outward now
Whose eyes glimmer back at me?
As beacons in the dark.

Father as Courage

"One becomes a father to one's own life be becoming intimately acquainted with it and by daring to traverse its waters."

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Confidence is Faith

"As consciousness becomes more spiritual, confidence in the Infinite Invisible increases."


Chasing up the hill,
Staying True to his Life Forse
He follows the scent.

The Tenth Dimension

Everywhere I go
I see people before I do
Nothing is linear.

Brooksbank Street

Many years before
I saw the street sign above.
The home of my soul.

Father: Where Art Thou?

"We need father figures badly, people who can keep us in touch with or stimulate within us that profound principle in the soul that provides guidance and wisdom. "

Educated Ignorance

Nicholas of Cusa, 15th century theologian, wrote about the importance of educated ignorance which is the unleaning of that which shields us from finding profound Truth. This same concept is suggested in Zen philosophy via Beginner's Mind or the "immediacy in experience". 

Slocan Lake

He looks really fast.
Catching the sun on the waves,
And knows right away.


Walking in likeness,
Truth dancing in the forest
On sun speckled leaves.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hasty Creek

The Creek always flows:
Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer,
Truth joins them all.

The Clearing

Listen silently
Moonlight reflected in snow
Light strains to be heard.

Man's Search for Meaning

Projecting your Truth
Even the felon is free:
Reflection Unites.


"Oneness is a state of being."

My Garden

Squash in the garden;
No past, no future, no hate:
Perfect as they are.

Pay Attention

"The soul appears most easily in those places where we feel most inferior."

Friday, October 17, 2014


"By trying to avoid human mistakes and failures, we move beyond the reach of the soul."


Magestic mountains
And Foodies paradise too!
Peak a boo Lightness.


The same crow knows me
Because we are intertwined.
Thirty seven years.


I am expanded
To another world beyond.
We breath in Unity.


Within this bubble
The entire world exists
Breating in and out.


Truth is eternal
Like raindrops quenching our thirst
For likeness of God.

The Circle

We must stay at home.
The Cause, or the obstruction
Is dissolved by Truth.

Infinite Invisible

"The degree of spiritual consciousness which we attain can be measured by the extent to which we relinquish our dependence on the external world of form and place our faith and confidence in something greater than ourselves."


Body's manisfest
Until no longer useful;
Walking to the light.

I Am

Sitting in traffic:
Why would faith be an issue?
Knowing Good is God.

Truth is...

"Truth realized is spiritual consciousness."